About Us

Hi, there! The short story, about who we are or what we're doing, is we really like making fun things that help others express themselves or bring comfort in trying times and tricky situations. Samm, maker/designer/shop runner, has a background in user experience and apparel construction, and she decided to put these tools to use in bringing fun and inclusive fashions and accessories to fans of build-a-bear stuffed animals. 

It started when Samm's beloved familiar, a tuxedo cat named Hiroshi, passed away earlier this year. In trying to deal with the pain of losing Hiroshi, Samm decided it would probably be helpful to have a stuffed animal version of her cat to snuggle at night (because Hiroshi always slept on Samm's pillow). She found herself on the build-a-bear website and placed an order for a black cat and a "Missing You" t-shirt.

The only downside is she felt like there were certain styles of clothes that she wished she could find for her new, plush friends (because of course she quickly found herself with multiple new friends!), and that there were other fabrics she'd prefer plushie clothes be made out of. As she spent more time in the build-a-bear community online, Samm started to see how much plushies meant to so many people, and how they helped them in so many different ways. She also saw that she wasn't alone in thinking there should be more variety in clothing styles. 🤔

Thus, Bearable Wares was created.

The focus here is going to be on creative clothes that feel soft or smooth to the touch, no scratchy polyester, and oh my goodness, why does everything need to be covered in glitter in sequins?! At some point as we keep adding things to the online store we will be adding a snuggle factor rating scale, which will hopefully give you an idea before you order of how snuggly soft the items you're considering for your plush friend will be. 

We will also be adding gently used and personalized items. There are so many great things that get thrown by the wayside, when all they need is a little TLC to be like new again! That goes for plushies, too. We've acquired quite a number of friends that we've refurbished and would love to start offering some of them up for adoption. 

We have so many ideas, and if you have ideas, or suggestions for what we could do better, please don't hesitate to send us a message! We are brand new here and know we have a lot of learning and growing to do. We hope you'll hang along for the ride, though. 😊

I think this is the start of something fun and special, and I'm really glad you're here.


Samm & Sam, Bearable Wares